Dearne Electronic Community Village
Dearne Electronic Community Valley was awarded £5,000 for a project working with 40+ long term unemployed service users , each completing our ICT course at Entry level 3 with Employability skills support training. Aims were to improve Employability, develop professional CV’s, job search training, actively engaging learners in job search activities with weekly search and application targets.
The grant helped cover the costs for the Sessional Tutor, who worked on the project for 28 weeks. working with 42 individuals (July 23 – Feb 2024) delivering ICT and Employability Support sessions.
12 Individuals have secured employment during the project. Sessions have taken place in our Lifelong Learning Centre learning centre at Thurnscoe Library. The number of new enrolments has steadily increased again with the DWP returning to face to face appointments with clients. All 42 learners were enrolled onto online learning + the Highfield IT Award for Essential Digital Skills and MS Office Courses. All learners also undertook Employability Skills sessions. Individuals were also helped on a walk in one-off basis, usually with updating CV’s and online applications, help with online banking, emails and anything else involving digital/ICT, on phones/tablets/laptop PC or Mac. Four Volunteers were also trained and helped with 1 to 1 sessions, Admin and updating our leaflets / posters, refreshments. This project kickstarted our Volunteer program again, which hadn’t been operating since Covid.

Accuro provides lifelong support for people with learning disability, in West Essex, via social and educational activities to reduce loneliness/social isolation, increase happiness/health/wellbeing and develop skills/potential.
They were awarded £5,000 for their new life skills programme for 19-25 year olds called STRIDE.
During the 12 months of funding, activities and support were provided, covering a wide range of areas including healthy living, personal care,
household tasks, how to keep safe, social and communication skills and much more.
The project made a difference to STRIDE participants ( and their families) and have improved communication skills improved social skills increased self confidence, increased independence, improved life skills reduced loneliness / social isolation increase happiness / wellbeing. They have supported 3 people into paid employment We have supported 4 people in voluntary work.
The project continues and is now in it’s third year.

Bramber Bakehouse
Bramber Bakehouse supports female survivors of human trafficking and was awarded £5,000 to support their 8 week programme educating women in baking whilst focussing on building confidence and learning new skills.
The project worked with 47 women who learnt a range of baking skills including using chocolate, making bread, pastry and cupcakes. They completed their Food Hygiene Level 2 Course – which they will be able to use for future voluntary or paid work experiences, enhancing their skill set.
Graduates reported a 60% increase in confidence, stating this had improved since entering the Bramber Bakehouse programme. The Programme Coordinator worked with each individual to create a personal development plan which included opportunities to volunteer in local organisations, access paid employment or access courses to further advance their education and skill set.

Working Options
Working Options delivers free employability and life skills programmes in schools, colleges and online.
They were awarded £5,000 (and a potential £15,000 over three years) to increase their impact, and despite issues from Coronavirus, they have engaged with over 12,000 young people during the 20/2021.
Outcomes include: An increase to 98% of students having increased confidence about what is possible for them compared to before they became part of the programme (88% prior), 98% of educators recommending Working Options to other schools and colleges, 55 % uplift in students reached, students reporting increased confidence about future plans and opportunities, introduction of a Finance Workshop in collaboration with Natwest, Updated links around Mental Health and Well Being on their Student Zone, and an increase to 475 volunteers on their database.

Liverpool Lighthouse
Liverpool Lighthouse were awarded £5,000 to work with 123 asylum seekers, refugees and vulnerable migrants improve their English skills, be more confident communicating, feel better connected to the local community and supported to apply for further study, volunteering and work opportunities.
Funds were used for teachers for English classes, community meals and activities that allowed participants to practice their functional English and to support participants who wanted to progress into volunteering. As a result, students not only increased their English skills but also their confidence in communicating, their social connectedness and their wellbeing.
84% said they felt better connected to the community and supported, 75% that participating had helped them access services that helped them meet their goals, 88% that they had gained communication and confidence skills and 74% that they had gained practical life skills that might be useful to them in finding a job later on. One participant told said, “Lighthouse has helped me to get to my goals, with the lack of skills I have in real life, working environment. I have gained different skills that I can build on. I want to be able to apply for jobs and be taken seriously and the skills I gain here will overcome the language barrier I face.”

Sussex Association for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus (SASBAH)
SASBAH provides lifelong support for over 1,000 people of all ages in Sussex, affected by these conditions. SASBAH were awarded a potential 3 year project (£5000 a year) to a project to offer education, training and work experience for our adult service users and volunteers in a fully supported workshop. Workshops aim to help them improve their confidence, experience, skills and prospects for work. Aims and outcomes include :To have re-engaged or recruited 38 service users, demonstrate improved self-confidence and self-esteem, Improved time-keeping, a sense of personal responsibility, relationship-building, independent travel training and teamworking, learning and development of a range of new practical and independent living skills.
SASBAH is in its final year of its 3 year project and has exceeded its original outcomes. Having the centre open for these disabled adults has made a huge difference to their lives. It has given them structure and focus and a place to be where they not only feel safe but are learning and developing. The impact on this marginalised group of people has been huge you can see that they are thriving as their confidence and self esteem increases. The new skills they learn through working is invaluable and also the development of their relationship skills is of huge advantage to them and their carers.